Welcome to Westfield Friends Church

We hope that this site might be helpful in getting to know us. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to our office. Consider joining us as we gather together on Sunday mornings.

A Message from Pastor Josh Cortez

Trusting in the Unknown
Blow them away like smoke. Melt them like wax in a fire. Let the wicked perish in the presence of God.” (Psalm 68:2, NLT)
Over the past six months, we've discussed how God invites us into His Kingdom. Specifically, we've explored how Jesus extends the invitation to "Come, follow me." Whether you're a new Christian or have been on this journey for a while, it's easy to become entrenched in a routine that works for us and push forward without reflection. While there are seasons when this approach is beneficial, it shouldn't be the only way we live.
As we begin a new year, we will encounter new challenges. There will be moments filled with tears, pain, and suffering, as well as times of celebration marked by laughter, hugs, and joy. My prayer for our church this coming year is that we remain open to holy disruptions in our lives. When God speaks to us, may we be ready and willing to respond to His voice. I understand that this is challenging because living in a state of readiness requires trust beyond what we currently see or know. However, in Jesus, we can find assurance that trusting Him, no matter the path, leads to good outcomes. This doesn't mean the journey will be entirely free from pain or suffering, but often, it is a place blessed by His presence, where seeds are sown, and fruit is produced.
This January 2025, I challenge you to ask yourself, as a follower of Jesus, “Where am I to go?" or “How am I to follow?” The beauty of following Jesus is that He doesn't require us to have everything figured out. He calls us just as we are—broken, flawed, and all—and invites us to journey with Him, promising to transform us along the way. I hope we can all say yes to His call so that transformation can take place. Throughout this journey, we should welcome others into our lives, allow them to walk alongside us, and point them toward Jesus as we move together.
I pray this coming year is filled with blessings and growth. May it be a year we can reflect upon with gratitude 11 months from now, testifying to God’s goodness, glory, and blessings for the city of Westfield, Westfield French Church, and in our lives.

- Pastor Josh

Serve With Us
We believe serving is both a privilege and an act of worship. Through volunteering, we grow closer to our church family and become more like Jesus as we use our God-given gifts to bless others.